WMP Privacy Policy

The Wedding Marketplace respects the privacy of our users. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, disclose and safeguard your information when you visit our website. This includes our mobile app including any other media form or media channel. Please read this privacy policy carefully. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF OUR POLICY, DO NOT ACCESS THIS SITE. BY DOING SO, YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF SERVICE.

We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy at any time, without alerting anyone as to when or why. If concerned, please feel free to visit our site before each visit to see if any have been changed. Any changes made will be effective immediately upon the post of updated terms of service, and you waive the right to receive an update notice by accessing the site. We encourage you to keep yourself up to date on potential policy changes by checking on the service terms.

Collection of Your Information
There is a myriad of ways data can be collected, and here is some of ours:

Personal Data: Personally identifiable information such as your name, address and telephone number are collected to help streamline your experience along with perhaps your age, hometown, interests and any other information you may having given when filling out your registration. You are in no way under any obligation to provide personal identification, however certain features may not be available.

Financial Data: Data released by your payment method (I.E., valid credit card number, card type and brand) may be collected when you purchase, order, return or request information about our services from the site or app. However, we store only very limited financial information if any that we may collect. Information is otherwise stored by our payment processors (I.E., PayPal, Square, etc.) and you are encouraged to directly contact them for responses to your questions regarding your financial information.

Mobile Application Information
We may ask for your geo-location to provide location-based services or products either continuously or while only using the app. You may refuse or change these permissions in your settings menu. We may ask for permissions of your mobile device that include your mobile devices camera, SMS messaging, social media accounts and other features. You may also change these permissions in your device’s settings.

Use of Your Information
In order to help provide the aforementioned streamlined service, we may use information provided to create and manage your account, email you about an order, enable communications, fulfill or manage orders and payments, increase efficiency, create you profile, use information about what your habits are to help predict your habits on the site, keep you safe from fraud and thievery, resolve disputes, targeted advertising, promotions and coupons, general customer service, request feedback for the betterment of the site and mobile app and sweepstakes and contests. There is not a global standard for which the Do-Not Track (DNT) is set, but if you can and would like to change your preference, you may in your web browser and app settings. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties with whom you share personal or sensitive data, and we have no authority to manage third party solicitations. If you no longer would like to deal with that third party in any manner, your responsible for contacting them directly.

Policy for Kids
You must be 18 to use this site. We do not knowingly collect any data or market to children underage. If for any reason you become aware of this happening, please contact us in our contact us section.

Account Information Options
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your service or account information, you may edit or delete your account by logging in, and updating the user account, and request for an account termination. We will promptly remove and delete all your information from our system. However, some information may be retained in our files to prevent fraud, troubleshoot, assist in any investigations, enforce our privacy policy and terms of use.

Third Party Advertisers and Offer Wall
We may use third party advertisers to serve ads when you visit our site or app. These companies may use your cookies information to provide advertisements that interest you. A third party hosted “offer wall” allowing them to offer virtual currency, gifts, or other items to users in return of acceptance or completion of an advertisement offer. When you click on the offer wall, you will leave our page or app and your user ID will be shared to prevent fraud and properly credit your account. There are other third-party advertisers, and we may share your information for the purposes of conducting general business analysis. We may also share your information with investors for marketing purposes, as permitted by law.

Social Media Contacts
If you connect through a social network, your contact may see your name, profile and descriptions of your activity. Facebook and their subsidiaries permissions may by default provide basic account information such as your email, birthday, current city, URL as well as any other information you choose to make public. You may choose to grant or deny us access to each individual permission. For more information about Facebook permissions, refer to their reference page.

Disclosure of Information
We may share information about you in certain situations, such as in, by law to protect your rights. If we believe that releasing your information is necessary to respond to legal process, to remedy potential violations of our policies, to protect the rights property and safety of others, as permitted by law. This includes exchanging information with third parties regarding protection of fraud and credit risk reduction.

Interactions with Other Users
Interaction with other users on the site may see your name, profile photo, descriptions of your activity, including but not limited to the sending of invitations to other users, liking posts, comments and items you have followed or listed for sale. That information may be shared outside of our site and app in perpetuity, as followed by law.

Tracking Technologies
Internet-based advertising is used by third party software to serve ads on our site and app to implement email marketing campaigns and manage other cookies-based information to streamline your service. If you do not want this service, you may refer to your privacy policy settings and opt out, when available. Using cookies, we may also partner with third-party vendors such as Google Analytics to allow tracking technologies and marketing services to better understand online activity. By accessing our site or app, you can tend to the information collected by these third-party vendors. You are encouraged to contact the third-party vendors and review their privacy policy and regarding your questions. We do not transfer personal information with certain third-party vendors, but if you do not want any information to be collected and used you can visit those third-party vendors and opt out on their site using your settings. Be aware that getting a new computer, installing a new browser, updates to an existing browser or computer or erasing or altering your browsers cookies may also restore these settings and/or clear certain opt out cookies or plug-ins.

We use administrative and technical security measures to help protect your personal information. However, no information safeguard is truly perfect, and there are no methods of data transmission that can be guaranteed against any interception. All information disclosed online is vulnerable to misuse by unauthorized parties. We encourage you to use your discretion as we cannot guarantee complete security if you provide personal information.

No Discrimination
The Wedding Marketplace does not discriminate or allow discrimination for but not limited to race, ethnicity, origin, religion, color, gender identity, disabilities, pronouns or any other law protected characteristics. You are responsible for contacting us if any discrimination has taken place. Users will be deactivated for demeaning remarks, slurs, inciting hate and using hate speech.

Privacy Rights
Privacy rights are required by any state or any agency, institution or political subdivision that operates or maintains an electronic mail communication system to adopt a written policy on any monitoring of communications and circumstances for which they are conducted. The policy shall include a statement that correspondence of an employee in form of E-mail may become public record, and therefore subject to public inspection.

Emails and Communication
If you no longer wish to receive emails or communications from us, you may opt out in your emails and unsubscribing using the unsubscribe to emails link or logging in and updating your preferences. If you no longer wish to receive emails or other correspondence from third parties, you are responsible for contacting them directly.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contacts us at:

The Wedding Marketplace
PO BOX 337
Indian Hills, Colorado 80454

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